External Funding
2012- Present
Designing Metal-free Biochar Catalysts for Sustainable Biorefinery: An Integration of Experimental Investigation and Computational Chemistry. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), General Research Fund (GRF), PI, 2023-2025.
Food Waste Upcycling into Value-Added Products. China National Postdoctoral Council, Hong Kong Scholars Program, PI, 2022-2024.
Biochar-enhanced Construction Materials for Sustainable Waste Management and Decarbonisation. Hong Kong Green Tech Fund (GTF), PI, 2022-2025.
Recycling yard waste into new-generation biochar adsorbents for CO2 and VOCs removal. Hong Kong Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), PI, 2022-2023.
Tailoring Next-generation Biochar Catalyst for Biorefineries via Integrated Experimental-Computational Investigations. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), General Research Fund (GRF), PI, 2021-2024.
Research on the Sustainability of Spent Lithium-ion Battery Recycling Technology. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, PI, 2021-2024.
Modeling and Analysis of Water Pipe Failure: Investigate: Causes, Find Solutions, and Develop Potential Strategies, Polices, and Regulations. Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), Co-PI, 2021-2023.
Hydrothermal Carbonization for Recycling Organic Waste into Biochar for Soil Improvement in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), PI, 2021-2023.
Advanced Catalyst for Biomass Upgrading into High-Value Chemicals. China National Postdoctoral Council, Hong Kong Scholars Program, PI, 2021-2023.
Valorisation of Food/Paper Waste into Value-Added Chemicals and Energy. Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) Environmental Fund, PI, 2019-2022.
Smart and Sustainable Drainage Network in Hong Kong Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques. Hong Kong Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), Co-I, 2019-2022.
Engineered Biochar as Catalyst for Synthesis of Value-Added Chemicals: Manoeuvring Surface Functionalities and Pore Structure. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), General Research Fund (GRF), PI, 2019-2022.
The 5th Asia Pacific Biochar Conference (APBC2021). Hong Kong Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), PI, 2019-2021.
Holistic Investigation of Fate and Behaviour of Emerging Contaminants in Complex Environmental Matrices. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), EC/RGC Collaboration Scheme, PI, 2018-2021.
Enhancing Water Resilience with Blue-Green Infrastructure: A Pilot-scale Study on Bioretention Systems for Stormwater Harvesting in New Development Areas. Hong Kong Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), PI, 2018-2021.
The 3rd International Conference on Bioresources, Energy, Environment, and Materials Technology (BEEM2019). Hong Kong Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), PI, 2018-2019.
Nanomaterials-impregnated Biochar for Wastewater Treatment. China National Postdoctoral Council, Hong Kong Scholars Program, PI, 2018-2020.
Green Recycling of Dredged Contaminated Marine Sediment into Eco-Friendly Paving Blocks. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), General Research Fund (GRF), PI, 2018-2021.
The 4th International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation 2018 (CLEAR2018). Hong Kong Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), PI, 2017-2018.
Waste Management and Recycling for Sustainable Urban Development. K.C. Wong Belt and Road Visiting Fellowship Scheme, PI, 2017-2018.
Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management (SINReM). European Commission for Erasmus Mundus funding, Non-European Partner, 2017-2022.
Developing a High-Throughput Vegetable Waste Valorisation Technology to Produce High-Value Green Substitutes of Petroleum Derivatives. Hong Kong Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), PI, 2016-2018.
The 2nd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource 2017 (BWR2017). Hong Kong Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), PI, 2016-2017.
The 2nd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource 2017 (BWR2017). K.C. Wong Education Foundation, PI, 2016-2017.
Integrating Biodegradable Chelant-Enhanced Metal Extraction with Biochar Soil Amendment for Low-Impact Remediation. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), General Research Fund (GRF), PI, 2016-2019.
Transforming Food Waste at the Hong Kong International Airport into Value-Added Chemicals. Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) Environmental Fund, PI, 2015-2017.
Bacteria Removal by Surface-modified Geomedia in Bioretention Basins. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme, PI, 2015-2018.
Recycling Used Timber Formwork into Lightweight, Thermal-insulating Cement-bonded Particleboards. Hong Kong Construction Industry Council (CIC) Research Fund, PI, 2014-2016.
Fate and Transport of Chromium(VI)/Arsenic(V)-loaded Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron in Groundwater. Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Youth Programme, PI, 2014-2017.
Tailoring Next-Generation Adsorbent for Selective Separation from Food Waste Fermentation. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme, PI, 2014-2017.
Regional Soil Contamination by Organic Compounds: Contamination Characteristics, Interfacial Processes, and Remediation Principles. National Basic Research Program (973 Scheme), Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, PI (Sub-project), 2014-2018.
Sustainable Land Decontamination Methods for Application in Land Development Projects. Collaboration Research Study, Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD), HKSAR Government, PI (Sub-project), 2014-2015.
Elucidating the Fate and Transport of Heavy Metals and Bacteria in Stormwater Harvesting. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), Early Career Scheme (ECS), PI, 2014-2017.
Fate and Transport of Organic Pollutants and Heavy Metals in Contaminated Groundwater. State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Open Project (Key Programme), PI, 2013-2015.​
Recycling Timber and Bamboo Construction Waste into Activated Carbons and Wood-Plastic Composites. Construction Industry Institute-Hong Kong (CII-HK), PI, 2013-2015.
Internal Funding
2012- Present
PolyU Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2023-2026.
PolyU Greater Bay Area Startup Postdoctoral Fellowship, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2022-2024.
PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2022-2024.
- Research Centre for Resources Engineering towards Carbon Neutrality (RCRE), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2022-2023.
- Research Institute for Future Food (RiFood), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2022-2023.
Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2022-2023.
PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2022-2024.
PolyU Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2022-2025.
PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2022-2024.
CEE Seed Grant for Future Large Grant Proposals, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2022-2023.
PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2022-2024.
PolyU Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2021-2024.
PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2021-2023.
PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2021-2023.
PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2021-2023.
PolyU Project of Significant Importance Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2020-2022.
PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2020-2022.
FCE Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2019-2021.
PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2018-2020.
FCE Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2018-2020.
PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2017-2019.
PolyU Joint PhD Programme Leading to Dual Awards, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2015-2017.
RISUD Joint PhD Student Supervision Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2014-2015.
FCE Start-up PhD Research Studentship, PI, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2013-2016.
FCE Funding Support for Improvement in Journal Publication, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2012-2014.
FCE Summer Attachment Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2012-2013.
FCE Start-up Research Fund for Newly Recruited Assistant Professors, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI, 2012-2016.
External Funding
2008- 2012
Humics for Acid Mine Drainage Treatment. Foundation for Research Science and Technology Fund, Royal Society of New Zealand (RSNZ), PI, 2010-2012
Improving Lyttelton Harbour's Sediment Quality with Low-Cost Materials. Brian Mason Science and Technical Trust (BMST), New Zealand, PI, 2011-2012
Contaminated Sediment Stabilization Using Activated Carbon. Bilateral Research Activities Programme, Royal Society of New Zealand (RSNZ), PI, 2010-2011
Sustainable Use of Wastes and Natural Materials for Agricultural and Industrial Site Management. Solid Energy New Zealand (SENZ), PI, 2010-2011
Soil Decontamination with Humic Substances. Solid Energy New Zealand (SENZ), PI, 2010-2011
Ex-Situ and In-Situ Remediation of Subsurface Cr(VI) Contamination Using Mesoporous Magnetic Fe2O3 Particles: Effectiveness, Kinetics, and Adsorbent Recovery. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), General Research Fund, Co-I, 2009-2012
Laboratory and Pilot-Scale Study of Metal Extraction from Contaminated Soils by EDDS and Metal-EDDS Complexes: Kinetics, Effectiveness, and Soil Dissolution. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), General Research Fund, Co-I, 2008-2011
Internal Funding
2008- 2012
Sabbatical Allowance, University of Canterbury, PI, 2011.
Capital Expenditure Fund, University of Canterbury, PI, 2009-2011.
Research Consumables Funding, University of Canterbury, PI, 2009-2011.
Postgraduate Scholarship, University of Canterbury, PI, 2009-2011.
Travel and Conference Grants, University of Canterbury, PI, 2008-2011.
Summer Scholarship Scheme, University of Canterbury, PI, 2008-2011.
Bright Ideas Funding, University of Canterbury, PI, 2009-2010.
Strategic Research Grant, University of Canterbury, PI, 2009-2010.